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Quick Start Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a minimal development environment using the Euclid Development Environment project, installing the Metagraph Framework, and launching clusters. The process should take less than an hour, including installing dependencies.

Windows Support

Primary development focus for this SDK is based on UNIX-based operating systems like macOS or Linux. With that being said, Windows support is available using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to emulate a UNIX environment. The following guide has been tested in that environment and works wells.

See Install WSL for more detail in setting up WSL on your Windows machine.

Install Dependencies

Install Basic Dependencies

Many developers can skip this step because these dependencies are already installed.

Install argc

cargo install argc

Install Giter

cs install giter8

Configure Docker

The Euclid Development Environment starts up to 10 individual docker containers to create a minimal development environment which takes some significant system resources. Configure docker to make at least 8GB of RAM available. If you are using Docker Desktop, this setting can be found under Preferences -> Resources.

Create a Github Access Token

See instructions for how to create an access token. The token only needs read:packages scope. Save this token for later, it will be added as an environment variable.



Clone the Euclid Development Environment project to your local machine.

git clone
cd euclid-development-environment

See the Development Environment section for an overview of the directory structure of the project.


Edit the github_token variable within the euclid.json file with your Github Access Token generated previously. Update the project_name field to the name of your project.


Familiarize yourself with the hydra CLI. We can use the hydra CLI tool to build the necessary docker containers and manage our network clusters.

scripts/hydra -h


install Installs a local framework and detaches project
install-template Installs a project from templates
build Build containers
start-genesis Start containers from the genesis snapshot (erasing history) [aliases: start_genesis]
start-rollback Start containers from the last snapshot (maintaining history) [aliases: start_rollback]
stop Stop containers
destroy Destroy containers
purge Destroy containers and images
status Check the status of the containers
remote-deploy Remotely deploy to cloud instances using Ansible [aliases: remote_deploy]
remote-start Remotely start the metagraph on cloud instances using Ansible [aliases: remote_start]
remote-status Check the status of the remote nodes
update Update Euclid
logs Get the logs from containers
install-monitoring-service Download the metagraph-monitoring-service ( [aliases: install_monitoring_service]
remote-deploy-monitoring-service Deploy the metagraph-monitoring-service to remote host [aliases: remote_deploy_monitoring_service]
remote-start-monitoring-service Start the metagraph-monitoring-service on remote host [aliases: remote_start_monitoring_service]

Install Project

Running the install command will do two things:

  • Creates currency-l0 and currency-l1 projects from a g8 template and moves them to the source/project directory.
  • Detach your project from the source repo.

Detaching your project from the source repo removes its remote git configuration and prepares your project to be included in your own version control. Once detached, your project can be updated with hydra.

scripts/hydra install   

You can import a metagraph template from custom examples by using the following command:

scripts/hydra install-template

By default, we use the Metagraph Examples repository. You should provide the template name when running this command. To list the templates available to install, type:

scripts/hydra install-template --list


Build your network clusters with hydra. By default, this builds metagraph-ubuntu, metagraph-base-image, and prometheus + grafana monitoring containers. These images will allow deploy the containers with metagraph layers: global-l0, metagraph-l0, currency-l1, and data-l1. The dag-l1 layer is not built by default since it isn't strictly necessary for metagraph development. You can include it on the euclid.json file.

Start the build process. This can take a significant amount of time... be patient.

scripts/hydra build


After your containers are built, go ahead and start them with the start-genesis command. This starts all network components from a fresh genesis snapshot.

scripts/hydra start-genesis

Once the process is complete you should see output like this:

######################### METAGRAPH INFO #########################

Metagraph ID: :your_id

Container metagraph-node-1 URLs
Global L0: http://localhost:9000/node/info
Metagraph L0: http://localhost:9200/node/info
Currency L1: http://localhost:9300/node/info
Data L1: http://localhost:9400/node/info

Container metagraph-node-2 URLs
Metagraph L0: http://localhost:9210/node/info
Currency L1: http://localhost:9310/node/info
Data L1: http://localhost:9410/node/info

Container metagraph-node-3 URLs
Metagraph L0: http://localhost:9220/node/info
Currency L1: http://localhost:9320/node/info
Data L1: http://localhost:9420/node/info

Clusters URLs
Global L0: http://localhost:9000/cluster/info
Metagraph L0: http://localhost:9200/cluster/info
Currency L1: http://localhost:9300/cluster/info
Data L1: http://localhost:9400/cluster/info


You can also check the status of your containers with the status command.

scripts/hydra status

Next Steps

You now have a minimal development environment installed and running ๐ŸŽ‰

Send your first transaction

Set up the FE Developer Dashboard and send your hello world metagraph transaction.

Manual Setup

Prefer to configure your environment by hand? Explore manual setup.