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Upgrade Quick Start Guide

This guide is specifically for upgrading your node to to the latest version of Tessellation with opinionated with sensible defaults.

โ—ฝ SSH into Your VPS

Review your notes for the connection string.

ssh -i /path/to/ssh/private/key nodeadmin@vps_ip_address

Refer to SSH Explanation, Mac SSH Guide, and Windows SSH Guide for detailed understanding.

โ—ฝ Begin upgrade process

sudo nodectl upgrade -ni

โ—ฝ Single Layer Nodes

Skip to this step confirm status step.

โ—ฝ Hybrid Nodes

Hybrid nodes must wait until our layer 0 profile is in Ready state before being able to connect to our layer 1 cluster.

In most cases, you will NOT be able to immediately connect your layer 1 profile to the cluster.

Auto Restart

If you have the auto_restart enabled, your node should connected automatically to layer1 once it detects that layer0 is in Ready state, you can skip to the confirm status step.

โ—ฝ Watch For Layer0 Ready State

Refer to profile table to obtain profile_name parameter associated with your cluster, adjust the command below as necessary.

sudo nodectl status -p dag-l0 -w 120

Continue to watch the screen which will update every 120 seconds, until you see the node's profile reaches ready state.

โ—ฝ Reached Ready State

press the q key to exit out of watch mode when you node is reporting it is in Ready state.

โ—ฝ Join Layer1

sudo nodectl join -p dag-l0

If this creates an error because your node's layer1 profile is not properly in ReadyToJoin state.

sudo nodectl restart -p dag-l0


โ—ฝ Confirm Status

sudo nodectl status

If all profiles are in Ready state, your upgrade is complete.