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Upgrade nodectl - Upgrade


In the background, nodectl will download the latest version of nodectl.


We may encounter an error cfg-199 depending on the version of nodectl you are utilizing. This is an error message that lets us know that we need to upgrade our Node after the utility (nodectl) upgrade is completed.

We can safely ignore this message and continue.

If the version you are running does not need an upgrade, you will not receive an error.


nodectl will download the digital signature files from the nodectl repository

fetching public key ........................... complete
fetching digital signature hash ............... complete
fetching digital signature .................... complete

It will then display the contents and instructions on how to be extra secure in verifying that you have a valid copy of nodectl.

Please see the nodectl validate documentation for details and then return to this guide.


If we get a SUCCESS, we can continue.


In our example, we have downloaded v2.15.1 of nodectl. nodectl will execute the new v2.15.1 binary and display the versioning to help us verify we have downloaded the correct version.

The below example shows us on the major version of 2, minor version of 15 and 0 patch level. It also indicates that we are running v2.1.1 of the nodectl configuration.

nodeadmin@Constellation-Node:~# sudo nodectl version
VERSION        MAJOR       MINOR       PATCH      CONFIG
v2.15.1        1           15          0          v2.1.1

Even if you see a SUCCESS message when validating your copy of nodectl via a digital signature, you should still compare the public key and hash value between the output displayed on your Node during the upgrade and the values in the offical repository.

Links are provided in the output. Access these links, ensure you are on the correct repository (not a phishing site), and compare the hashes and keys for verification.

Upgrade Required

In some cases, nodectl will recognize that an upgrade is required.

In this example, an upgrade of the Node is required. This will help nodectl to run properly on your Node whether it is an upgrade needed for nodectl, or changes to the Tessellation protocol that may require some updates.

This version of nodectl requires an upgrade be performed on your Node.

Press Y then [ENTER] to upgrade or N then [ENTER] to cancel:

Upgrading Node after nodectl

You can press Y+Enter to accept and allow nodectl to enter directly into the upgrade command, or N+Enter if we want to wait until later.

If we choose not to upgrade the Node after the nodectl upgrade, we must return to the upgrade process when ready and issue a sudo nodectl upgrade to allow our Node to finish the upgrade.

Upgrade Not Required

Congratulations, you have completed this step-by-step guide!

Upgrade Required

Once the upgrade begins, we can refer to the upgrade guide to for a detailed step-by-step on the process of upgrading your Node.