Quick Install - Installing (Cont)
nodectl will continue the quick installation. You can continue to sit back and relax while the node is installed.
You can watch the progress through the progress bar indicator as each component is installed.
percentage completion will vary.
Handle setting up the node's swap file
Setting up swap file..................... preparing
[ ######################## 54%......................... ]
Handle the node's user setup
Setting up node administration........... preparing
[ ########################### 56% ..................... ]
Protocol Structure
nodectl will create any elements that are specific to the functionality of nodectl for when it needs to handle the Tessellation protocol.
Handling protocol structure.............. preparing
[ ############################# 60% ................... ]
P12 Setup
nodectl will create and setup your p12 file requirements. This may be building a new p12 file and applying the necessary parameters or migrating an existing p12.
Generating P12 file...................... preparing
[ ################################# 70% ............... ]
Configuration Build
Build and populate the cn-config.yaml
file will all necessary configuration values.
Populating configuration................. preparing
[ ################################### 74% ............. ]
Write out the file to the proper location.
Finalizing configuration................. preparing
[ ####################################### 82% ......... ]
Service Creation
nodectl will create all the services that it will use to help administer your node.
Building services........................ preparing
[ ######################################### 88% ....... ]
SSH Configuration
nodectl will update the SSH configuration to lock down the node and disable some security vulnerabilities.
Handling SSH Security.................... preparing
[ ########################################## 90% ...... ]
Setup AutoComplete
nodectl will teach the VPS's Bash shell to be able to auto complete commands. This can be done by double tapping the Tab key after entering the sudo nodectl
command, to show the available commands.
Setup auto complete...................... preparing
[ ############################################ 95% .... ]
Enable Encryption
nodectl will encrypt your p12 passphrase within the cn-config.yaml
to secure your p12 from bad actors if access is gained to the configuration file.
Handling Encryption Services............. preparing
[ ############################################# 97% ... ]
Finalize the Installation
Completing Installation.................. preparing
[ ################################################# 99% ]