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Command Reference Guide



This document compliments the nodectl help command reference offered through execution of a Node running the nodectl utility.

What is an option and parameter?

A command-line option is a modifier that is added to the end of a command being executed by nodectl.

It follows the sudo nodectl <command>.

When the command is requested and the option added, it may be followed by specific items or "instructions" that are called parameters.


sudo nodectl <command> <option> <parameter>

sudo nodectl <command> <option> <parameter> <option> <parameter>

sudo nodectl <command> <option> <parameter> <option> <option>

Option without parameters

Some options do not require a parameter be supplied afterwards. The option may need to be supplied alone.

| As a simple example, the command

sudo nodectl status -p dag-l0
  • The status is the command

  • The -p is a option

  • The dag-l0 is a parameter.


This reference guide will explore the status command in further detail; however, in the above example, the option -p stands for "what profile would you like to explore the status of?" and the parameter dag-l0 is the profile in question we would like to review.

Final Note

If an option requires a parameter, it must be entered directly after the option is supplied on the command line. However, the order of the options that do not require parameters does not matter.

option1 requires parameter1, option2 does not require a parameter.

sudo nodectl -option1 parameter1 -option2

is the same as

sudo nodectl -option2 -option1 parameter1

What is pagination?

The most common method of accessing your Node is through a remote shell. When we issue a command within our remote shell, the output of a command may extend past the height of the terminal window. In this case, nodectl will "page" the output by pausing when the output printed to the screen reaches the height of the window, before needing to scroll.

It will offer you the option to quit or continue.

Commands that create the need for pagination will generally offer a -np (no pagination) option to disable pagination.

Press any key or `q` to quit

Command References


The help command will offer help for most commands available by the nodectl utility.

Node Operators can issue the help command by itself to see a basic rundown of all options and parameter requirements.

sudo nodectl help
Code Name: Princess Warrior

Issuing the help command with the actual command you are seeking help from, will show a more detailed explanation of that command. Similar to this document, except from the command line itself.

sudo nodectl status help

Service Change Commands


The start command takes a single option.

Start the service related to a configured profile name. This command will not work without the <profile_name> supplied.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>starts the service related to the profile name supplied.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl start -p dag-l0 help  
  • Start profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl start -p dag-l0


The stop command takes a single parameter.

Stop the service related to a configured profile name. This command will not work without the <profile_name> supplied.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>stops the service related to the profile name supplied.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl stop -p dag-l0 help  
  • Stop profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl stop -p dag-l0


The restart command takes a single parameter.

Restart the service related to a configured profile name. This command will not work without the <profile_name> supplied or special parameter all.

This command will take the following actions (in order) on the profile it was connected on:

  • Leave the cluster
  • Stop the service
  • Start the service
  • Re-join the cluster.
optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name> | allrestarts the service related to the profile name in question.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl restart -p dag-l0 help  
  • Restart all the profiles configured on the Node, in proper order of operations.
sudo nodectl restart -p all
  • Start profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl restart -p dag-l0


The slow_restart command is [almost] exactly the same as the restart command; however, if you issue a slow restart the process will take 10 minutes to complete. (600 seconds)

The purpose of the slow_restart command is to assist a Node that may be stuck in an undesirable state or stuck in an activity causing it to be unresponsive on the cluster. The slow_restart can also assist in a myriad of other unexpected or undesirable conditions.

The slow_restart will allow enough time for a Node to be off the network and reset any issues.



The restart_only command is exactly the same as the restart command; however, if you issue a restart_only, the process will exclude the join action to rejoin the cluster.

After a restart_only is executed, the profile should end in an ReadyToJoin state.

Cluster Change Commands


The leave command takes a single parameter.

Leave the hypergraph or metagraphs related to a configured profile name. This command will not work without the <profile_name> parameter supplied.

Issuing a leave against your Node will allow your Node to complete any processes on the hypergraph or metagraph that it may be involved in before your Node exits the cluster.

It is appropriate and will improve your Node's PRO score to leave the cluster before you issue a stop command.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>leaves the cluster related to the profile parameter supplied.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl leave -p dag-l0 help  
  • Leave profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl leave -p dag-l0


The join command takes a single parameter.

Join the hypergraphs or metagraphs related to a configured profile name. This command will not work without the <profile_name> parameter supplied.

You will need to make sure that the profile related to the cluster your are attempting to join is started; as well as, the status of your Node is in ReadyToJoin status on the cluster.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>join the cluster related to the profile name parameter supplied.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl join -p dag-l0 help  
  • Join profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl join -p dag-l0

Node Operations


The auto_restart command takes several parameters.

This feature is disabled, by default.

auto_restart is a special feature of nodectl that will continuously monitor your Node to make sure the various profiles are on the cluster (hypergraph or metagraphs).

Monitor to keep
Each profile's state on the cluster is in Ready state.
The Node's session is concurrent with the cluster's session.

The Node Operator/Administrator should use nodectl's configuration profile to enable/disable this feature. Although you can enable auto_restart (also with the auto_upgrade feature) from the command line, you should use the configure command to enable the feature.

This will allow you to keep auto_restart working properly throughout the use of nodectl.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
Noneenableenable the auto_restart feature.optional
Nonedisabledisable the auto_restart feature.optional
Nonerestartdisable and then enable the auto_restart featureoptional
Nonestatusdisplay the auto_restart and auto_upgrade feature statusoptional
Nonecheck_piddisplay the process id of the process that is currently running the auto_restart feature.optional
--auto_upgradeNoneenable the auto_upgrade feature with the auto_restart service.optional

Do not rely on auto_restart feature completely. auto_restart is not perfect and should be used as a tool to help keep your Node up in a consistent fashion; however, it may not be fool proof, and you should still monitor your Node manually to make sure it stays online with the proper known cluster session.

nodectl will processing each profile in its own thread (i/o).

nodectl will wait a randomly set time (per thread) and check the Node's condition after each successive random sleep timer expires.

activate auto_restart identifiers
Its service in an inactive state
Node's cluster state is not Ready
The Node's known cluster session does not match the cluster's known session.

If the session of the cluster does not match the Node session that was established at the cluster's genesis (at the beginning of the cluster's latest initialization), an auto_restart will be triggered.

The session will change if:

  • cluster is at genesis
  • a cluster restart is executed
  • a roll-back is identified.

If your Node is currently joined to an older session it will no longer be participating on the proper cluster (what can be considered a "floating island"), auto_restart will attempt to correct the situation.


An auto_restart may take up to ~18 minutes to complete.

These long executions are because the Node will detect one or both profiles down and restart the Global hypergraph first. nodectl will then attempt to bring up any metagraphs. To avoid timing conflicts with other Node's that may also have auto_restart enabled, auto_restart has random timers put in place throughout a restart process.

nodectl will need to properly link your metagraph to the Global hypergraph.

It is important to understand this is a background and unattended process, the delay is created on purpose.

It is recommended by the developers to link a metagraph (that requires this type of setup) through your Node's own Global hypergraph connection.


If you are using auto_restart please remember if you are physically monitoring your Node while it is enabled, you need to exercise patience to allow it to figure out how to get back online by itself as necessary.

Forcing a manual restart (or any service affecting command) will disable auto_restart. If enabled in the configuration, nodectl will attempt to re-enable auto_restart after any command that requires it to be temporarily disabled. If the Node Operator does not have auto_restart enabled in the configuration, it will not re-enable after-the-fact.

In order to avoid duplicate or unwanted behavior such as your Node restarting when you do not want it started, the auto_restart feature will automatically disable if you attempt to issue any command that manipulates the services.

  • leave
  • stop
  • start
  • join
  • restart
  • upgrade


You can enable this feature by issuing: sudo nodectl configure -e (find details of the configure command here).

auto_upgrade can only be enabled with the auto_restart feature enabled.

Optionally if you are not using the configuration, you can enable auto_upgrade by issuing the optional --auto_upgrade option when enabling auto_restart from the command line.

During a Tessellation upgrade, the session will change. This will trigger an auto restart. During the restart, nodectl will identify the version of Tessellation on the Node verses what is running on the cluster. If it does not match, nodectl will attempt to upgrade the Tessellation binaries before continuing.


nodectl will not auto_upgrade itself.

Newer versions of nodectl may require a upgrade be executed in order to update any system services or files that may have changed [for any of many reasons].

auto_restart/auto_upgrade passphrase requirement

Hidden passphrase

nodectl will not work unless the p12 passphrase is present in the configuration file. In order to join the network unattended, nodectl will need to know how to authenticate against the Hypergraph.

Persist auto_restart in configuration and auto_upgrade choose Edit --> Auto Restart Section.

sudo nodectl configure


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl auto_restart help
sudo nodectl auto_upgrade help
  • Manual enable auto_restart services
sudo nodectl auto_restart enable
  • Manual enable auto_restart services with auto_upgrade
sudo nodectl auto_restart enable --auto_upgrade
  • Manual disable auto_restart services
sudo nodectl auto_restart disable
  • Manual restart auto_restart services
sudo nodectl auto_restart restart
  • Check if auto_restart is running by searching for the process id (pid) of the auto_restart service. The command will also show status of auto features set in the configuration.
sudo nodectl auto_restart check_pid
sudo nodectl auto_restart status


The check_connection command will execute a search on the currently connected hypergraph or metagraph cluster.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which cluster related to the profile name in question do we want to review.required
-s<ip_address or hostname>identify a source Node to use specifically by the check_connection command, to test against the edge Node.optional
-e<ip_address or hostname>identify a edge Node to compare against the source Node.optional

If the -s option is not specified, nodectl will pick a random Node on the cluster specified by the -p profile required parameter.

It will search against the Node the check_connection command was executed upon unless an edge device to check against the source is specified by an optional -e option.

The command will compare the Nodes found on the source against the Nodes found on the edge. If the Nodes connected to each do not match, the command will display those Nodes that are missing between the two.

*Indicates the ip searched against was either the edge and source ip
iInitial State
rjReadyToJoin State
ssStartingSession State
sSessionStarted State
rdReadyToDownload State
wdWaitingForDownload State
wrWaitingForReady State
dpDownloadInProgress State
obObserving State
lLeaving State
oOffline State
aApiNotReady State (nodectl only)

If Node shows False

There may be circumstances where your Node is showing a False positive. The network may still be converging or another Node may be causing your Node to show False.

In some cases you may need to wait a little longer and then check again if:

  • Your Node is showing False.
  • If you are seeing many Nodes "missing".

The Node may be off the network and a restart is required. You can use the restart command to attempt to restart and join the network.


  • You may review your log files to see if you can find an issue
  • You can contact a System Administrator to review log files which may help to figure out if your issue is correctable. They may request you send_logs feature.


  • Scenario for help
    • <profile_name> will be dag-l0
    • Node you joined to originally (source) :
    • The IP of your Node (edge) :
    • The IP of another Node (other) :
    • The IP of another Node (other) :
  • Help menu
sudo nodectl check-connection help 
  • Check random "source" against the local "edge" Node
sudo nodectl check-connection -p dag-l0
  • Check random "source" Node against "other" Node
sudo nodectl check-connection -p dag-l0 -e
  • Check "any other Node" against "any other Node"
sudo nodectl check-connection -p dag-l0 -s -s


The check_source_connection command takes a profile parameter.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which cluster related to the profile name in question do we want to review.required

When executed the check_source_connection command will attempt to find a random Node on the current known hypergraph or metagraph cluster.


The random Node needs to be joined into the consensus of the cluster, and must be on the cluster and in Ready state.

nodectl should take care of this for us.

example output

States: Initial, ReadyToJoin, StartingSession, SessionStarted,                                         
ReadyToDownload, WaitingForDownload, DownloadInProgress, Observing,
WaitingForReady, WaitingForObserving, Ready, Leaving,
Offline, ApiNotReady, SessionIgnored, SessionNotFound,

Source: Server this Node is joined to
Edge: This Node

Note: If the SOURCE is on a different network it will show ApiNotReady

True dag-l0
True | Ready True | Ready

Node restart service does not need to be restarted because pid
[4157840] was found already.
Full ConnectionBoth the source Node picked by nodectl and the local edge Node that executed the check_source_connection command can see each other True or cannot False.
ProfileThe profile that this command was run against.
Source -> StateCan the SOURCE Node see the edge Node True or False. The source Node's state is in Ready state.
Edge -> StateCan the EDGE Node see the edge Node True or False. The edge Node's state is in Ready state.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl check_source_connection help
  • Execute the check_source_connection command
sudo nodectl check_source_connection


The check_seedlist command takes one parameter.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>related to the profile to verify access permissions.required
-id<node_id>nodeid of the Node you would like to verify seed list participation (if not local to the Node)optional
version >2.9.x

check_seedlist will pull your nodeid out of your p12 file and compare it to the seedlist downloaded from Constellation Network's authorized list.


This command is specific to current restrictions placed on the hypergraph for controlled access prior to the PRO Score [proof of reputable observation] release.

ip addressThe ip address of the Node in question
p12 filenameThe name of the p12 file on the local Node
p12 locationThe location of the p12 file on the local Node
node idThe p12 public key ( nodeid ).
node id found on seed listThis will be a True or False. In the event of a False please contact an administrator on the Constellation Network official Discord server.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl check_seedlist help
  • Execute the check_seedlist command
sudo nodectl check_seedlist


The check_seedlist_participation command does not take any parameters.

| Command | Shortcut | Version | | :---: | :---: | :---: | >v2.7.x | | check_seedlist_participation | -cslp |

This command is a temporary feature of nodectl designed for pre-PRO analysis and setup only. It will be deprecated as soon as no longer necessary.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>related to the profile to verify access permissions.required

This command can be used to review seed list access-list participation for any/all given profile(s) in the configuration that has a seed-list setup.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl check_seedlist_participation help
  • Execute the check_seedlist_participation command
sudo nodectl check_seedlist_participation -p <profile_name>


The clean_files command will offers the Node Operator the ability to clear specified logs or special stored files that may not be needed anymore.

Once the command is executed the Node Operator will be offered a CLI menu of removal options to choose.

The option will be carried out and the Node Operator will be offered a visual confirmation of the files:

  • To be removed
  • number of files
  • Size to be freed by their removal.
optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-t<log_typeenter the log type that is desired.required
Type of LogsDescription
logsclear logs located in the default or specified log directories. Logs command handles json_logs and archived logs.
uploadsclear uploads located in the default or specified log directories.
backupsclear backups located in the default or specified log directories.


  • Help file
sudo nodectl clear_files help
  • Clean logs of type logs
sudo nodectl clear_logs -t logs
  • or
sudo nodectl -cf -t logs



This command should be used sparingly, only as absolutely necessary.

The clean_snapshots command will offers the Node Operator the ability to clear snapshots.


With the evaluation of the Tessellation protocol, the introduction of incremental snapshots may cause this command be deprecated in future releases.

Once the command is executed the Node Operator will be offered a CLI menu of snapshot removal options to choose.

The option will be carried out and the Node Operator will be offered a visual confirmation of the snapshots to be removed, number of snapshots, and size to be freed by their removal.



  • Help screen
sudo nodectl clean_snapshots help
  • Execute clean_snapshots command
sudo nodectl clean_snapshots


sudo nodectl -cs


The find command takes several parameters.

This command will attempt to find the requested peer on the current connected hypergraph or metagraph.

The find command offers insight into the

  • number of nodes on the cluster
  • number of nodes in Ready state
  • number of nodes in Observing state
  • number of nodes in WaitingForReady state

It will show you the profile searched (required) and offer you confirmation that your Node is seen on the cluster.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-s<source_node>Node on the cluster you want to use to lookup other nodes.optional
-t<target_node>Node on the cluster (ip address, hostname, or nodeid) you want to look up on the cluster.optional

You may specify a source node that will be used as the reference point to lookup the target node (either your Node default or a specified target) on the cluster and return a True or False depending on whether or not it is found.

You may use the self keyword for either the source ( -s ) or target ( -t ) parameters.


Choosing a source node that is NOT on the network may result in an error or false negative.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl find help
  • Check if your Node is listed/seen on the cluster using a random source Node that is already found on the cluster.
sudo nodectl find -p <profile_name>
  • Check if your Node is listed/seen on the cluster using a specific source Node.
sudo nodectl find -p <profile_name> -s <source_ip_host>
  • Check if your Node is listed/seen on the cluster using a specific source Node and a specific target Node (other then your own.
sudo nodectl find -p <profile_name> -s <source_ip_host> -t <target_ip_host>

other find examples

If our node is check if is listed/seen by another random Node on the cluster we are connected to identified by the profile dag-l0.

sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 


sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -t

look for a node by nodeid

sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -t <nodeid>

If our node is check if is listed/seen by a Node identified by the -s option ( on the cluster we are connected to.

sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -s


sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -s -t

Examples using self keyword

sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -s self -t
sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -s -t self

In this example we are asking (our source) if it is able to identify the target on the network cluster.

sudo nodectl find -p dag-l0 -s -t


The health command does not take any parameters.

It displays the basic health elements of your Node.

okFalls within normal operating parameters
lowFalls outside of normal operating parameters - minimum
warnFalls outside of normal operating parameters - upper threshold
15M CPUAverage usage of CPU over 15 minute intervals.
Disk UsageHow much hard drive (DISK) space is in use.
Uptime DaysHow long the operating system has been running since the last boot/reboot.
MemoryRAM usage.
SwapSWAP space HD usage.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl health help
  • Execute the health command
sudo nodectl health


The list command does not take any parameters and displays the details of the profiles found in the cn-config.yaml file. You can update the cn-config.yaml file with the configure command.

Profile NameName of the profile on display as defined by the cn-config.yaml.
Profile DescriptionNode operator defined description of the profile.
Public API TCPThe TCP port configured that is open to the public for API calls.
P2P API TCPThe TCP port configured that is used for gossip peer to peer API communications.
CLI API TCPThe TCP port configured that is used for internal API calls only.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl list help
  • Execute the list command
sudo nodectl list



The market command does not take any parameters.

Performs a quick lookup for crypto markets via CoinGecko's public API.

The command will list the Top 10 Crypto markets at the current moment in time. In the event that Constellation Network is not in the top ten, it will list it's current position in relation to the rest of the known markets.


This command is for recreation purposes only.

Constellation Network is not a financial advisor. Information obtained from CoinGecko and does not represent any opinions or financial advise of or from Constellation Network.

RankRanking 1 Best, > x+1 Worst
NameToken name
SymbolToken symbol
PriceCurrent price at time of execution.
Market CapMarket Capitalization
Total SupplyTotal supply of tokens
ATHA8ll Time High price of the token


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl market help
  • Execute the market command
sudo nodectl market


The peers command will attempt to list all the peers found on the cluster; as well as, list their IP addresses for review.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>review the cluster that relates to the requested profile.required
-t<target_node>Node on the cluster (ip or hostname) that you would like to use as your target (The Node to use as reference.) for finding peers.optional
-cNonecount the peers on the network.optional
-npNoneno pagination.optional
--csvNonecreate csv (comma separated values) output file instead of print out to the screen.optional
--output<file_name>requires --csv --> this can only be a filename. If you would like to have your output saved to an alternate location, you can update the configuration file's upload location, via the configure command.optional
--basicNoneshow only the ip address and public port.optional
--extendedNoneshow full nodeid and dag address.optional

Normal output from the peers command will show all the peers seen on a given metagraph or the hypergraph (profile dependent) this will include:

  • node ip with public port
    • = with public TCP port of 1000
  • nodeid (shortened to first 8 hex values, ...., last 8 hex values)
    • abcd1234....efgh4567
  • DAG wallet (shortened)
    • DAG12345...78910111

You can utilize the --basic option to force nodectl to only show the PEER IP:TCP PORT column.

You can utilize the --extended option to force nodectl to only show all fields in long format.

If you do not use the --basic or --extended options, the output will be in shorten form for all elements (ip:port, dag address, nodeid).


*Indicates the ip searched against was either the edge and source ip.
iInitial State
rjReadyToJoin State
ssStartingSession State
lLeaving State
sSessionStarted State
oOffline State


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl peers help
  • Show nodes on cluster from random peer on the cluster from a specific profile
sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name>
  • Show YOUR Nodes's peers
sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> -t self
  • Show peers on the cluster utilizing a specific target ip address.
sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> -t <ip_address or hostname>
  • Show count of peers your node is able to see. (synonymous with find command) show peers on the cluster utilizing a specific.
sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> -c
  • Source target ip address to count against.
sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> -t <ip_address or hostname> -c

Other examples

Example usage for a profile called dag-l0

sudo nodectl peers -p dag-l0

Example usage for --basic

sudo nodectl peers -p dag-l0 --basic

Example usage for --extended

sudo nodectl peers -p dag-l0 --extended

Create a csv file

sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> --csv

Create a csv file named test.csv

sudo nodectl peers -p <profile_name> --csv --output test.csv



The price command does not take any parameters.

This command performs a quick lookup for crypto prices via CoinGecko's public API.


This command is for recreation purposes only.

Constellation Network is not a financial advisor. Information obtained from CoinGecko and does not represent any opinions or financial advise of or from Constellation Network.

$DAGConstellation Network
$LTXLattice Exchange
$QNTQuant Network


  • Help screen
ssudo nodectl price help
  • Execute the price command
sudo nodectl price


The refresh_binaries command does not take any parameters.


This command will download and overwrite the existing Tessellation binaries files that are required to run your Node. The result of this command will be to download the binaries from the latest release and is independent of a system upgrade.

This command can be used to refresh your binaries in the event that you have a corrupted system.

This command should be accompanied by the restart command in order to allow your Node to utilize the new binary files.

This includes a refresh of the latest local seed-list access list file.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl refresh_binaries help
  • Execute the refresh_binaries command
sudo nodectl refresh_binaries


The quick_status command takes a single optional parameter.

quick_status will review the current status of your Node and offer a single output of the found state of your Node's known clusters, as quickly as possible.

If the -p option is used with the <profile_name>, only that profile's status will appear. If the quick_status command is called without the -p option, all profiles will be shown.

The difference between quick_status and status are two-fold:

  1. quick_status will only show the state of the Node's known active profile(s)
  2. quick_status will review the state of your Node's known active profile(s) via the local API on the Node. This should be understood and used with caution, as if your Node is in Ready state but not on the proper cluster, you may receive a false positive. The status command; although more time costly (expensive), will offer a better outlook on your Node by providing metics such as sessions.
optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>supply profile name parameter to show quick_status.optional
-w<seconds>watch command. will continuously check the status of your Node until q is pressed. Note: You should not use the ctrl-c to exit as it may cause your keyboard to stop echoing output to your terminal. If this does happen, you can simply exit the terminal session and log back in to correct the display issues.optional


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl quick_status help  
  • Show all profiles
sudo nodectl quick_status
  • Show status of profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl quick_status -p dag-l0


The sec command does not take any parameters.

sec = security

It displays the basic security elements of your Node. It displays parsed elements from the auth.log file on your Debian operating system.

Following the table formatted output, nodectl will display a list of date -> ip address of external access requests against your Node.


The results will be based off the current and last "rolled" auth.log file.

This nodectl feature is currently not related to the Tessellation processes on a Node. It is reviewing distribution level auth files.

example output

10 31 41 39 1024-4000
Log ErrorsHow many ERROR statements were found.
Access AcceptedCount of how many logins were requested and accepted.
Access DeniedCount of how many Invalid logins were found.
Max ExceededCount of how many Invalid logins were blocked due to excessive attempts.
Port RangeWhat the minium and maximum port range for the denied attempts were identified.
SinceThe creation date of the last auth.log that was reviewed.


  • Help screen
ssudo nodectl sec help
  • Execute the sec command
sudo nodectl sec


The show_current_rewards command takes several parameters.

Search the Constellation Backend explorer and pull the last 50 global snapshots.

The command will output a paginated list of DAG addresses and the amount of DAG accumulated per DAG address over the course of the time between the START SNAPSHOT timestamp listed and the END SNAPSHOT timestamp listed.


This only pertains to global MainNet rewards.

This does not apply to TestNet rewards.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>review the cluster related to the profile name in question.required
-w<dag_wallet_address>DAG wallet on the cluster. Use this option if you are interested in an alterative Node that is not the local Node.optional
-s<snapshot_history_size>default: 50, The amount of snapshots to review.optional
-npNoneno pagination.optional
--csvNonecreate csv (comma separated values) output file instead of printing output to the screen.optional
--output<file_name>requires --csv --> this can only be a filename. If you would like to have your output saved to an alternate location, you can update the configuration file's upload location, via the configure command.optional

The --output option can only be a filename. If you would like to have your output saved to an alternate location, you can update the configuration file via the configure command.

sudo nodectl configure

If a wallet address is not specified the first known wallet address obtained from the configuration will be used. If a -p <profile> is specified, the defined profile wallet address will be used for the lookup against the profile specified.

If a -s <snapshot_history_size> is specified:

  • The history size entered will be used.
  • Must be between 10 and 375 snapshots.
  • The default value is 50.

Currently this command only searches on the MainNet Layer0 Global Hypergraph network.

If the -w <dag_wallet_address> is used, the -p <profile_name> will be ignored unless the profile fails to be present on the Node (exist in the configuration).


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards help
sudo nodectl -scr help
  • If the -p <profile> if not specified, nodectl will use the first known profile.
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards -p <profile_name>
  • If the -w <dag_address> is specified, nodectl will the requested DAG address against the MainNet explorer.
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards -w <dag_address>
  • If the -np is not specified nodectl will attempt to paginate the output to the current known screen height. create a csv file
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards --csv
  • Create a csv file and put in the designated uploads directory with specified name.
sudo nodectl show_current_rewards --csv --output test.csv


The show_node_states command does not take any parameters.

This command displays the list of the known Node States that you may find on the Cluster or that nodectl defines when not on the cluster.

nodectl only states
ApiNotReadyshown if nodectl can not reach the Node's internal API server.
SessionNotFoundshown if nodectl can not read the Node's session via the internal API server.
SessionIgnoredshown if nodectl is not online and there is not a session to display.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl show_node_states help
  • Execute the show_node_states command
sudo nodectl show_node_states
  • Execute using shortcut option command
sudo nodectl -sns


The status command takes a single optional parameter.

Status will review the current status of your Node.

If the -p option is used with the <profile_name>, only that profile's status will appear. If the status command is called without the -p option, all profiles will be shown.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>supply profile name parameter to show status.optional
-w<seconds>watch command. will continuously check the status of your Node until q is pressed. Note: You should not use the ctrl-c to exit as it may cause your keyboard to stop echoing output to your terminal. If this does happen, you can simply exit the terminal session and log back in to correct the display issues. Available in version >v2.9.0optional


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl status help  
  • Show all profiles
sudo nodectl status
  • Show status of profile named dag-l0
sudo nodectl status -p dag-l0
ServiceWhat is the status of the service that runs this profile.
Join StateThe cluster state that the Node is seen by the cluster.
ProfileWhich profile is being reported on.
Public API TCPThe TCP port configured that is open to the public for API calls.
P2P API TCPThe TCP port configured that is used for gossip peer to peer API communications.
CLI API TCPThe TCP port configured that is used for internal API calls only.
Current SessionWhat is the session number being reported on the cluster.
Found SessionWhat is the session number seen by the Node. If it does not match the Current Session, the Node is not properly connected to the actual cluster.
On NetworkShows True or False if the Node is found on the cluster.


The update_seedlist command does not take any parameters.

switchparametersDescriptionIs Switch Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which profile are you seeking the update seed list.required

update_seedlist will pull down the latest seedlist from the Constellation Network repositories. This command can be used in the event your Node is unable to authenticate (and therefor will not connect) to the network.

Using the check_seedlist command, a Node Operator can confirm if the Node is seen on the access lists; if not, issue the update_seedlist command to attempt to correct the issue.


If you update the seedlist and still receive a False, you may need to contact a Constellation Network support Administrator for further help. This can be done by accessing the Constellation Network official Discord server.

This command is specific to current restrictions placed on the Hypergraph for controlled access prior to the PRO Score [proof of reputable observation] release.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl update_seedlist help
  • Execute the update_seedlist command
sudo nodectl update_seedlist

Distribution Operations


The change_ssh_port command is a special command that works on the Debian distribution level. For added security, it is recommended that your run your SSH remote access through a non-commonly known port number. In the case of the ssh protocol, a port that is different from port 22.

You should use an unused port between 1024 and 65535.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
--port<port number>Which port number would you like to change your SSH port for use?required


  • Help file
sudo nodectl change_ssh_port help
  • Change SSH TCP port to port 4242
sudo nodectl change_ssh_port --port 4242


The disable_root_ssh command is a special command that works on the Debian distribution level. It will disable the ability for access to the root user, via remote access.


It is recommended to have the root user's remote access (inbound/ingress) disabled. The only way the root user should be accessed is through the nodeadmin user account.

This is done by issuing a sudo in front of the nodectl command.


If the Node Operator used the recommended settings during installation, this process should have already been completed, and no Node Operator intervention should be needed.


sudo nodectl disable_root_ssh


The enable_root_ssh command is a special command that works on the Debian distribution level. It will enable the ability for access to the root user, via remote access.


It is recommended to have the root user's remote access (inbound/ingress) disabled. The only way the root user should be accessed is through the nodeadmin user account.

This command can be used to reverse this security setting configured via nodectl's installation process.


sudo nodectl enable_root_ssh


The reboot command does not take any parameters and offers the Node Operator the ability to reboot their physical or VPS (Virtual Private Server in the cloud) via a warm boot.


For Node Operation this command is preferred/recommended over normal operating system reboot command.

When issued, the nodectl reboot command will gracefully leave the profiles defined in the nodectl configuration file before rebooting the Node.


warm bootrestart your entire system via software
cold bootphysical start and stop of your Server or VPS


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl reboot help
  • Execute the reboot command
sudo nodectl reboot


The whoami command displays the external ip address of your Node.

Optionally, you can use the optional -id option to map a nodeid to an ip address on a cluster.

The external IP of your Node is the address that allows your Node to communicate with the rest of the systems on the Internet.

This is the address that your Node will use to communicate with the rest of the decentralized Nodes that make up the hypergraph and/or metagraphs. Your Node will attempt to communications with via other Nodes via p2p and public API requests.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>In order to use the -id option, nodectl will need to know which profile to review the nodeid from.optional
-id<full_node_id>p12 public key nodeid to lookup.optional

The -id option followed by the full nodeid requested, will lookup the node id and return its IP address. This command will require the -p with the profile name of the network you are searching.


  • Help file
sudo nodectl whoami help
  • Show external ip
sudo nodectl whoami
  • Show ip address of a Node by nodeid from a cluster via a profile this Node is connected to
sudo nodectl whoami -p <profile> -id <node_id>

p12 Operations


The dag command will retrieve your Node's wallet information for your local Node.

You can specify another Node by supplying the -w (wallet) option followed by the dag_wallet of the Node on the cluster that is targeted.

Following general output details about your wallet, nodectl will query the DAG explorer API and retrieve details of the last 350 snapshot entries. This level of detail can be excluded by using the -b option.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which profile are you seeking the wallet information from.required
-w<dag_wallet>retrieve remote by target wallet address.optional
-bNoneif the brief option is included a detailed view of the wallet transactions will be excluded from the command's output.optional
-npNoneBy default, the dag command will paginate the output, the -np flag will force no pagination during command output printing.optional
--csvNoneExport the file to default dated file name to the default uploads (see configuration file) or based on the --output option (below).optional
--output<file_name>requires --csv --> this can only be a filename. If you would like to have your output saved to an alternate location, you can update the configuration file's upload location, via the configure command.optional

The --output option can only be a filename. If you would like to have your output saved to an alternate location, you can update the configuration file via the configure command.

Output HeaderDescription
IP ADDRESSExternal IP address of the Node
P12 FilenameName of the p12 private key file that details were extracted from
P12 LocationDirectory location of the p12 file that details were extracted from
DAG AddressDAG address extracted from the p12 file requested
$DAG BalanceBalance of DAG tokens found connected to this wallet
$USD Value$DAG Balance converted to USD
$DAG PriceCurrent value of a $DAG token in USD
TimestampThe snapshot timestamp
OrdinalsThe ordinal of the snapshot
Rewards$DAG reward found for this wallet in the snapshot data
Total RewardsAccumulation of the rewards found during this period of time


  • Help Screen
sudo nodectl dag -p dag-l0 help  
  • Retrieve local dag wallet details.
sudo nodectl dag -p dag-l0
  • Retrieve dag wallet information of a Node on the cluster with the DAG wallet address of DAG0911111111111111111111111111111111111
  • (fake address for demonstration purposes only).
sudo nodectl dag -w DAG0911111111111111111111111111111111111 -p dag-l0
  • Retrieve dag wallet information of a Node on the cluster without snapshot details.
sudo nodectl dag -p dag-l0 -b
  • Retrieve the Node's dag wallet without pagination.
sudo nodectl dag -p dag-l0 -np   


The export_private_key command does not take any parameters.

export_private_key will pull your private out of your p12 file and print it to the screen.


Do not share this private key with anyone that you do not completely trust with your financial assets.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which profile are you seeking the private key from.required

nodectl is designed to work with p12 private key files that support Constellation Network v2 keys. If you are running an older node, please refer to the v1 to v2 migration document.

Import the private key produced by this command into your StarGazer wallet (or other) in order to control your Node's wallet.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl export_private_key help
  • Expose your private key
sudo nodectl export_private_key -p <profile_name>


The id command is an alias to the nodeid command.



The nodeid command will retrieve your Node's public key (nodeid) for either your local Node or another Node by supplying the -t (target) option followed by the ip_address of the node on the cluster that is targeted.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which profile are you seeking the nodeid from.required
-t<ip_addressretrieve remote by target IP address.optional
-lDisplay the nodeid in long format.optional


  • Help Screen
sudo nodectl nodeid help  
  • Retrieve local nodeid
sudo nodectl nodeid
  • Retrieve nodeid of a Node on the cluster with the IP address of
sudo nodectl nodeid -t


The nodeid2dag command will take in a required public node id or public key ( 128 byte hexadecimal string ) and converts it into its associated Constellation Network DAG wallet address.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
None<node_id>128 byte node id (public key) to derive DAG wallet from.required

The <node_id> is required and does not have a related option.


  • Help file
sudo nodectl nodeid2dag help
  • Convert nodeid to dag wallet
sudo nodectl nodeid2dag <node_id>

Due to the cryptographic nature of a DAG wallet, you can only 1-way hash a nodeid to the DAG wallet, and not visa-versa.


The passwd12 command does not take any parameters.

This command offers the Node Operator the ability to change their p12 keystore file's passphrase through an interactive experience.


passwd12 will not update the cn-config.yaml file.

Please run the sudo nodectl configure command to update your passphrase (if necessary) after completing the passphrase update utility command.


BACKUP your p12 prior to using the passwd12 command


  • Help File
sudo nodectl passwd12 help
  • Go through the p12 passphrase change process
sudo nodectl passwd12



The configure command will attempt to guide the Node Operator through the creating or editing the cn-config.yaml file.

The cn-config.yaml file is an extremely important file that nodectl uses to determine how it should control and configure your Constellation Network Validator Node.

The configure command will offer a relatively detailed explanation of all configuration options, unless the -a (advanced) option is used.

nodectl will confirm if you want to enter advanced mode if not specified.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-aNoneenable advanced mode.optional
-eNoneenter directly into edit configuration mode for existing configurations.optional
-epNoneenter directly into edit profile configuration mode for existing configurations. >v2.9.0optional
-cbNoneautomatically c)onfirm that we understand the location of the b)ackup and that it was backed up. nodectl wants to make sure you know that there is a copy of your configuration on the Node for security purposes.optional
-nNoneenter directly into new configuration mode.optional

In new configuration mode, nodectl will offer you two (2) options

  1. Predefined Profile settings
  2. Manual Configuration

In edit configuration mode, nodectl will offer you several options

  1. Edit Profiles
  2. Edit Global Settings

See the configuration guide document for more details on this command.


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl configure help 
  • Enter default configuration
sudo nodectl configure  
  • Enter configurator directly to new config options
sudo nodectl configure -n  
  • Enter configurator directly to edit config options
sudo nodectl configure -e  
  • Enter configurator directly to edit config options in advanced mode
sudo nodectl configure -a -e  
  • Enter configurator directly to edit config options in detailed mode while confirming the backup location at the same time.
sudo nodectl configure -a -e -cb


The install command will build a new Node for you from a blank fresh new VPS.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
--normalNoneIf this option is supplied, during the interactive installation process, nodectl will skip the request to utilize the --quick-install option and confirm a normal installation only.optional
--quick-installNoneIf this option is supplied, during the interactive installation process, nodectl will skip the request to utilize the --normal option and confirm a quick-install installation only.optional
--cluster-configmainnet, integrationnet, testnet, dor-metagraph-mainnetSetup your new Node to connect with one of the several pre-defined configurations.optional
--confirmNoneAuto confirm default options.optional
--overrideNoneInstall nodectl over itself, do not remove existing files prior to installation.optional
--usernamestringSetup your new Node with the supplied username verses the default username of nodeadmin.optional
--user-passwordstringSetup your new Node with the following VPS username password. You will not be prompted for it during the installation.optional
--p12-namestringSetup your new Node with the following p12 key store name, verses the default p12 name of nodeadmin.p12.optional
--p12-passphrasestringSetup your new Node with the following p12 key store passphrase. You will not be prompted for it during the installation.optional
--p12-aliasstringSetup your new Node with the following p12 key store alias, verses the default alias of nodeadmin-alias.optional
--p12-destination-pathpath-to-directorySetup your new Node to place the newly created p12 key store in the fully qualified path location provided, verses the default location equal to /home/<username>/tessellation/.optional
--p12-migration-pathpath-to-directory-and-fileSetup your installation to migrate in an existing p12 key store file. This should include the full path to the file and the file nameoptional

See the installation guide document(s) for more details on this command.


  • Default installation
sudo nodectl install  
  • Default normal installation
sudo nodectl install --normal  
  • Default quick installation
sudo nodectl install --quick-install
  • Default installation supplying the user password and p12 passphrase on the command line.
sudo nodectl install --user bob --password mypassword
  • Default quick install installation supplying the user password and p12 passphrase on the command line.
sudo nodectl install --quick-install --user bob --password mypassword
  • Default quick install installation supplying the user, user password, p12 name, p12 alias, and p12 passphrase on the command line.
sudo nodectl install --quick-install --user bob --password mypassword --p12-name myp12name.p12 --p12-passphrase myp12passphrase --p12-alias myp12aliasname
  • Default quick install installation supplying the user, user password, existing p12 for migration, and p12 passphrase on the command line.
sudo nodectl install --quick-install --user bob --password mypassword  --p12-passphrase myp12passphrase --p12-alias myp12aliasname --p12-migration-path /home/ubuntu/myp12migrationfile.p12


The upgrade command is used to upgrade both Tessellation and nodectl backend files.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-wNonewatch mode. This creates an upgrade that is less verbose, and saves time by not forcing the Node Operator to wait for all peer to peer connections to be established, instead once the Node reaches a state where it is able to participate on the network, nodectl will skip watching for the remaining peers to connect and simply and safely continue the upgrade process, therefore saving time.optional
--pass<passphrase>If the Node Operator chose to hide their passphrase by excluding it from the configuration file, you will need to supply it at the command line using this option.optional
-niNoneNon-Interactive. If you want to use the upgrade command with all the defaults chosen, nodectl will not ask any interactive questions.optional
Just in Case

In the event of the -ni is used, if nodectl identifies anything unusual, it still may disengage non-interactive mode and ask any necessary questions, in an attempt to avoid unexpected errors.

Please see the upgrade nodectl documentation for a detailed explanation of the command.


The upgrade_nodectl command is a dedicated command used to upgrade the nodectl binary file.

Please see the upgrade_nodectl documentation for a detailed explanation of the command.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-v<version>statically set the version you would like to upgrade or downgrade to.optional

If you attempt to downgrade nodectl to a version that is not backwards compatible, you may risk unexpected results. Please see upgrade_path for more details on how to determine if a version is not backward compatible.


  • Help file
sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl help
  • Upgrade nodectl
sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl
  • Upgrade nodectl to version v2.13.0
sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl -v v2.13.0


The upgrade_path command does not take any parameters and offers the Node Operator the ability to check their Node's current nodectl version for upgrade path requirements.

If the Node is not at the most current version of nodectl, this command will produce a warning. The warning will let the Node Administrator know what the next necessary upgrade version should be, and will show you upgrade path requirements.

See the upgrade path document for more details.

Example Usage
  • Help screen
sudo nodectl upgrade_path help
  • Execute the upgrade_path command
sudo nodectl upgrade_path


The validate_config command will attempt to review your cn-config.yaml file for errors that may cause unexpected results when attempting to run your Node.


In the event that nodectl finds discrepancies or errors in the cn-config.yaml, a table of errors and possible resolutions will be displayed as output.


The view_config command will show a paginated view of the current cn-config.yaml file.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-npNoneBy default, the view_config command will paginate the output, the -np flag will force no pagination during command output printing.optional



With the check_versions command, nodectl will go out and review the latest versions of both Constellation Network Tessellation and nodectl.

nodectl will review the current github repo and compare it to the versions running on the Node.

It will report back True or False based on whether the versions match.

Output HeaderDescription
Tess installedWhat version of Tessellation was found on the Node.
Tess latestWhat version of Tessellation was found in the current repository.
Tess version matchDoes the Node match up to the repository?
nodectl installedWhat version of nodectl was found on the Node.
nodectl latestWhat version of nodectl was found in the current repository.
nodectl version matchDoes the Node match up to the repository?


  • Help menu
sudo nodectl check_version help
  • Execute the check_version command
sudo nodectl check_version


The logs command will print out the contents of the logs that have been requested.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>The name of the profile. This is important because (for example) the app.log shares the same log name for each profile. The Node Operator will need to specify which profile to review.required
-l<log_name>Name of the log that you would like to review. see log typesrequired
-g<word>filter out (grep) the word <word>. This is case insensitive.optional
-fNonefollow the log line by line. As a new line is added to the log during execution of user or program initiated elements that might print to the log file being monitored. To cancel out of the "-f" command you will simultaneously press and hold the control ctrl key on your keyboard and press the c key.optional
sudo nodectl logs -p <profile_name> <log_name> [-g <grep_value>] [-f]
Log Types
Log Name


  • Request to follow the log app.log from the dag-l0 profile filtering out the word "error" from each line.
sudo nodectl logs -p dag-l0 -l app -g error -f
  • Request to view the nodectl logs
    • The nodectl log is a command request that carries an exception. This request to view the logs does not take the -p <profile> option.
sudo nodectl logs -l nodectl


The send_logs command is a debug command used to help accumulate log files to send to Developers or System Engineering to dissect; to improve the code base.

During the execution you will be offered a menu to upload:

  • current logs
  • backup logs
  • specific date logs
  • date range logs
  • archived logs

Once you follow the prompts a tarball gzip file will appear in the uploads directory and the system will offer you the ability to upload the results to the a public (non Constellation Network supported) file transfer service.

optionparametersDescriptionIs Option Required or Optional
-p<profile_name>which profile are you attempting to glean logs from.required


  • Help screen
sudo nodectl send_logs help
sudo nodectl -sl help
  • Execute a log preparation for upload
sudo nodectl send_logs -p <profile_name>  
sudo nodectl -sl -p <profile_name>