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Profile Change


The nodectl utility uses profiles to learn how to connect to various Hypergraph or metagraph clusters. Each profile will define all the necessary elements to help your Node connect properly.

This document will offer a simple guide on how to change from your current profile (generally the default profile used during installation) to a new predefined profile.


This document does not cover the detailed explanation of the various components of the profiles section; however, you can access the nodectl configuration document to review a detailed explanation of the profile section.

Change Profiles


This procedure will change your profile configuration settings, replacing the existing predefined profile with a new predefined profile.

Step by Step


You have a Node up and running with an existing configuration.

Before we begin

The ip address and pem file are fictitious, use your own Node IP and credentials.


During the process of building a new profile, the configuration validator will run against your new configuration several times prior to completing the build. You may see a CONFIGURATION DID NOT VALIDATE message; however, you can safely ignore this because nodectl will correct the validation error before the build process is completed.

nodectl will show the following message below the validation issues...

Issue found can safely be ignored for new configurations.

Access Your Node

Log into your Node via a remote session:

In our example, we connect from a Mac into our Node. This is done by requesting a ssh session (secure shell) into your Node that is located at the Internet Address (IP) of using our SSH private key called my-ssh-pem-file.

Use your own ip address and ssh key pair here.

netmet@netmet-MacBook-Pro% ssh ubuntu@ -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-pem-file
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.19.0-1025-aws x86_64)

* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:

System information as of Sat Jul 8 12:43:58 UTC 2023

System load: 10.0 Processes: 144
Usage of /: 4.9% of 77.35GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 7% IPv4 address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%

* Ubuntu Pro delivers the most comprehensive open source security and
compliance features.

Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.

0 updates can be applied immediately.

Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates. See or run: sudo pro status

Last login: Sat Jul 8 12:29:17 2023 from

Start Configurator

Start the configurator module.

sudo nodectl configure

Since we are using sudo, we will be challenged for our nodeadmin user password.

nodeadmin@Constellation-Node:~$ sudo nodectl configure
[sudo] password for nodeadmin:

Advanced Mode

Until we are more comfortable with the configurator and all the particular settings of the configurator, we should not use advanced mode. We will choose no here ๐Ÿ‘‡ ( enter enter to accept the default value or n then enter )

Code Name: Princess Warrior

Welcome to the nodectl configuration tool.

This feature of nodectl will help you initialize a new configuration or update/edit an existing configuration file.

nodectl will attempt to migrate/integrate your configurations changes in order to ensure a smooth transition and operations of your Node via nodectl.

Detailed Mode: will walk you through all steps/questions; with detailed explanations of each element of the configuration.

Advanced Mode: will be non-verbose, with no walk through explanations, only necessary questions.

The configuration tool does only a limited amount of data type or value verification. After the configuration tool creates a new configuration or edits an existing configuration, it will attempt to verify the end resulting configuration.

You can also choose the -a option at the command line to enter advanced mode directly.

Continue in advanced mode? [n]: n

Our goal in this procedure (documentation) is to change profiles, so we want to create a new profile and remove the old, we can do this in one step by choosing n for new here. You will not hit enter, only the n key.


N)ew Configuration
E)dit Existing Configuration

KEY PRESS an option


Before continuing, nodectl will backup your existing configuration file cn-config.yaml and offer you information on where it is located.

By default your configuration will use the /var/tessellation/backups directory. This is where you will find copy of your configuration file with the current system date and time (UTC) appended to the file name. nodectl can now make changes with the confidence that a backup of what was there previous is available if needed.

You can review the information on the screen and press any key to continue.

Configuration Type

The next screen presented will offer information about predefined or custom profiles.

We will choose p for predefined.


P)redefined Configuration
M)anual Configuration
R)eturn Main Menu

KEY PRESS an option

Passphrase Options

As we begin the creation of a new profile (changing our profile), nodectl will ask if you want to keep your passphrase visible in the configuration. It will also offer you pros and cons, you can make your determination here.


Since the security addition is minor for hiding your passphrase in the configuration, it is recommended to choose y here.

Also, the auto restart and upgrade feature will not work unless the passphrase is visible in the configuration.

We can choose y and enter here.

Keep passphrase visible in configuration? [y]: y

Configuration Options

We can now choose the predefined configuration of our choice. In this example we will choose IntegrationNet. By pressing 2.


1) Constellation MainNet
2) Constellation IntegrationNet
3) Constellation TestNet
R) Return to Main Menu
Q) Quit

Security Details

Since version 2 of nodectl, you are now able to define a p12 per profile. This will allow you to use a different p12 file independent of the profile on a single Node.

In most situations you will want to use the same p12 file for all profiles.

We will choose y and enter here.

Set ALL profile p12 wallets to Global? [y]: y

Global Passphrase

Since we are changing our profile verses creating a brand new profile from scratch. nodectl will identify that there was a p12 section already filled out from your old configuration. nodectl will ask if you would like to preserve the settings.

We will choose y and enter here.


You can choose n if you want to change or provide new p12 information.

Preserve Global p12 details? [n]: y

New Profile Build

nodectl will start the process of building your new profile.


nodectl will validate your configuration and offer information about possible issues, or validate successfully. Regardless, nodectl will continue the process of building out your profile. If you have errors, unexpected results will ensue.

Create Service file [intnet-l0] ............... running
Create Service file [intnet-l1] ............... running
Create Service file ........................... complete
Create Service file ........................... complete


We will be offered the option to review the newly created configuration. You may choose y to page through the results or n to skip this optional step.

Review the created configuration? [y]:

Old Profiles


You may be presented with a CONFIGURATION FILE DID NOT VALIDATE message.

This can be safely ignored. nodectl will correct the issue prior to completing the new configuration build.

Issue found can safely be ignored for new configurations.

nodectl will attempt to clean up old profiles that are not found in the configuration cn-config.yaml file.

In the event there are not old profiles that need to cleaned up, you will not see this message.

If presented to us, we can say y and enter here.

Abandoned [dag-l0] profile.................. found
Abandoned [dag-l1] profile.................. found
It is recommended to clean up old profiles to:
- Avoid conflicts
- Avoid undesired Node behavior
- Free up disk

Remove old profiles? [y]: y

If you are making a change to a profile; however, using the same profile name, nodectl will check for abandoned snapshots and request that you remove them. If is highly recommended to remove irrelevant snapshots! If you are not overwriting an existing profile, you will not see this message.

If presented with this message, we can say y and enter here.

An existing snapshot directory structure exists
profile: intnet-l0
This may cause unexpected errors and conflicts, nodectl will remove snapshot contents from this directory

Remove snapshot contents? [y]: y
Cleaning [intnet-l0] snapshots................ found

Exit configurator

Finally, we will be returned to the main menu.

We will choose q to exit nodectl.


N)ew Configuration
E)dit Existing Configuration

KEY PRESS an option
Configuration manipulation quit by Operator