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p12 migration - Import p12 continued

Choose P12 file

We should now reach the point in the installation where nodectl needs to know:

  1. Which p12 file (if multiple) that we want to import
  2. Where the p12 file is located.

nodectl will offer us a menu of options for any p12 files that it finds on your system. In this example we can pretend we uploaded mynode.p12 to our ubuntu users's account using the instructions from the pervious steps.

We can choose 1 ( do not hit enter )

If you do not see your p12 file, this means either you placed it in a location that nodectl is not looking within, or you did not properly upload your p12 file.

If the former, you can hit 2 and then enter in the fully qualified location of your p12 file.

nodectl has detected an existing p12 migration to this new Node has been requested; and now needs to find and migrate this private key file. Please select an option.

1) /home/ubuntu/nodeadmin-node.p12
2) input manual entry

KEY PRESS an option

Warning Message

In the event that nodectl is unable to locate your p12 file, make sure you properly have it uploaded (Mac or Windows).

You may choose option 2 from the menu ๐Ÿ‘† above for to input manual entry.

WARNING Unable to location existing p12 files on this VPS.

If you do not receive a warning, you can skip this section and continue back to the nodectl installation, until the end of the installation.

At the request for a manual entry, we can enter the fully qualified path to your p12 keystore.

Manual P12 Entry

a) to abort
Please enter full path including p12 file key:

If you enter in a+Enter the p12 migration will be aborted, and nodectl will continue the installation creating a new p12.


If you choose the a option, the p12 import will be cancelled and the installation will continue. nodectl will create a new p12 keystore.


You can now return to the installation documentation and follow the instructions until you reach the end.


Some concluding information is next.