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New Install - P12 Creation

Handling the p12 private keystore creation.

Build our wallet (p12)

nodectl will now help us through the process of creating our Node's wallet and authentication requirements. This is necessary to join the Hypergraph/metagraph via authentication, sign validation proofs, and collect rewards for work accomplished on the Hypergraph/metagraph.

We will start by providing a name of our p12 file.

What is a p12 file?

The p12 file is a specially formatted private key file used by (but not created by) Constellation's Network's protocol.

The p12 file is short for PKCS#12. It is a secure archive format containing a private key and its associated certificate chain. It is widely used in various applications (including Tessellation).

Simply put, the p12 file is used store various private keys.

You can now provide a file name for your p12 file. This can be any name that suits your needs. As an added precaution, do not share this filename with anyone that shouldn't have a need to access the file.

If you would like to keep the default name nodeadmin-node.p12 (not recommended), just hit the enter key.

Name our P12 Keystore

Please enter a name for your p12
private key file [nodeadmin-node.p12] :

We are ready to provide nodectl with a passphrase for our future p12 file.

nodectl will again provide you with information about creating the passphrase.

When creating your passphrase, do not use:

  • periods
  • double //
  • section signs
  • double quotes
  • single quotes
We will end of up with 3 separate unique passphrases.

1 SSH KEY passphrase/keyphrase - >already created

2 User nodeadmin's VPS admin password - already created

3 P12 Private key passphrase/keyphrase

You will not see your password as you type it, this is for security purposes. Your password should contain capital & lowercase letters, numbers, special characters, but no single or double quotes.

This passphrase should be 10 in length.
WARNING nodectl does not work well with section signs special characters.

This passphrase will allow you to authenticate to the Hypergrpah.
This passphrase will allow you to authenticate to your Node's Wallet.
You should create a unique passphrase and write it down!

We recommend you save this to a secure location and, do NOT forget the passphrase!

In your notes:
"This is the passphrase to access my Node's hot wallet and gain access to the Hypergraph."

Access your *secure** notes and write down your p12 information.

Passphrase entry

We can now provide a new unique passphrase for our p12 file.


Make sure it is very secure, this will be used to access your Node's wallet; as well as, authenticate to the Hypergraph and metagraph.

>> Please enter a 10 character minimum
>> passphrase for your p12 private key:

Confirm your passphrase

>> Please confirm your p12 private key's passphrase:

Write your passphrase down in a very secure location, and never share it out to anyone that should not have direct access to your Node or Node's wallet.

Time to create our alias.