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Returns the receipt for a transaction by hash.


The transaction receipt is only available for mined transactions.

TransactionHashHexString<Hash>Hash of the selected transaction.
Return Type

TransactionReceipt | null - Transaction receipt object or null if not found.

type TransactionReceipt = {
status: HexString<Number>; // 1 Success or 0 Failure
from: Address; // Address of the sender.
to: Address | null; // Address of the receiver or null for contract creations.

blockHash: HexString<Hash> | null; // Block hash of transaction or null if transaction is pending.
blockNumber: HexString<Number> | null; // Block number of transaction or null if transaction is pending.

contractAddress: Address | null; // Contract address created or null if no contract was created.

gasUsed: HexString<Number>; // Amount of gas units used by this transaction alone.
cumulativeGasUsed: HexString<Number>; // Amount of gas units used by this transaction in the block.
effectiveGasPrice: HexString<Number>; // Actual value per gas unit deducted from the sender's account.

transactionHash: HexString<Hash>; // Hash of the transaction.
transactionIndex: HexString<Number> | null; // Transaction index in block or null if transaction is pending.
type: HexString<Number>; // Transaction type

logs: Log[]; // Array of log objects generated from this transaction.
logsBloom: HexString<FilterBloom> | null; // Bloom filter of the logs generated from this transaction.
type Log = {
address: Address; // Address from which this log was generated.

blockHash: HexString<Hash> | null; // Block hash from which this log was generated or null if transaction is pending.
blockNumber: HexString<Number> | null; // Block number from which this log was generated or null if transaction is pending.

transactionHash: HexString<Hash>; // Transaction hash from which this log was generated.
transactionIndex: HexString<Number> | null; // Transaction index from which this log was generated or null if transaction is pending.

data: HexString; // Data of non-indexed arguments for the log.
logIndex: HexString<Number> | null; // Log index in the block or null if transaction is pending.
removed: boolean; // True if the log was removed, due to a chain reorganization. False if it's a valid log.
topics: HexString<Topic>[]; // Array of 0 - 4 topics.
await provider.request({
method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt",
params: [
/* {
blockNumber: "0x5bad55",
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: "0xb90b0",
effectiveGasPrice: "0x746a528800",
from: "0x398137383b3d25c92898c656696e41950e47316b",
gasUsed: "0x1383f",
logs: [
address: "0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d",
blockNumber: "0x5bad55",
data: "0x000000000000000000000000...",
logIndex: "0x6",
removed: false,
topics: [
transactionIndex: "0x11",
logsBloom: "0x000000000000000000000000000000...",
status: "0x1",
to: "0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d",
transactionIndex: "0x11",
type: "0x0",
} */