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Metagraph Tokens

Metagraph tokens work in much the same way as DAG. They share a common transaction format and API interface. Both DAG and metagraph tokens use DAG addresses for their balance maps so a single public/private keypair can control DAG and metagraph token accounts.

Minimum Version

You will need version 2.1.1 or higher in order to interact with metagraph token networks.

Connecting to a metagraph

In order to interact with a metagraph token you will need to first need to create a connection to the Hypergraph, then create a metagraph client instance to connect to the metagraph and send transactions.

The example below connects to IntegrationNet. Fill in :metagraph-l0-endpoint, :metagraph-currency-l1-endpoint, and :metagraph-id in the code below with the correct details for the metagraph you are connecting to.

const { dag4 } = require('@stardust-collective/dag4');

// Connect to Hypergraph on IntegrationNet or MainNet
networkVersion: '2.0',
beUrl: "",
l0Url: "",
l1Url: "",


// Create a metagraphClient instance to connect to a specific metagraph
const metagraphClient = dag4.account.createMetagraphTokenClient({
beUrl: "",
l0Url: ':metagraph-l0-endpoint',
l1Url: ':metagraph-currency-l1-endpoint',
metagraphId: ':metagraph-id'

// Make calls directly to the metagraph (check balance, send transactions, etc.)
await metagraphClient.getBalance();
// 100000

Metagraph connection details

A list of existing metagraphs can be found on the DAG Explorer. On each metagraph's page you'll find the Metagraph ID, as well as L0 and currency L1 endpoints, which are necessary for configuring your metagraph client to connect to a specific metagraph network.

Send a single transaction

The metagraph client has all the same methods as dag4.account except transferDag becomes transfer and transferDagBatch becomes transferBatch.

// connect as shown above
const toAddress = 'DAGabc123...';
const amount = 25.551;
const fee = 0;

await metagraphClient.transfer(toAddress, amount, fee);

Generate bulk transactions offline and send

// Get last ref online, or else fetch from an offline data store
let lastRef = await metagraphClient.getAddressLastAcceptedTransactionRef('DAGWalletSendingAddress');

// Generate txns offline
const txn_data = [
{to: 'DAGabc123...', amount: 10, fee: 0},
{to: 'DAGxyz987...', amount: 25.01, fee: 0},
{to: 'DAGzzz555...', amount: 1.01, fee: 0},
{to: 'DAGwww988...', amount: 0.00000001, fee: 0},

const hashes = await metagraphClient.transferBatch(txn_data, lastRef);

// console.log(hashes)
Transaction Fees

Note that transaction fees on metagraph networks are paid in the network's metagraph token, not in DAG.