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Send Logs Guide

This guide is specifically for helping a Node Operator transmit logs from their Node to offer to Administrators, Developers, or other for analysis.

โ—ฝ SSH into Your Node

ssh -i /path/to/ssh/private/key nodeadmin@vps_ip_address

Refer to SSH Explanation, Mac SSH Guide, and Windows SSH Guide for detailed understanding.

Table of Contents - Options

  1. Using send_log command
  2. Using prepare_file_download

Using Send Logs

โ—ฝ Issue send log command

sudo nodectl send_logs

You may choose your option based on the command reference here.

โ—ฝ What type of logs do you want to transmit?

This guide will choose the 1 option to upload the profile app logs from the dag-l0 profile. This is for example, and the Node Administrator may choose the option of their choice.

Refer here to look up the appropriate profile name if you need to access a specific Tessellation log instead of the nodectl log files.โ€‹

1) dag-l0 app logs
2) dag-l1 app logs
3) nodectl logs

โ—ฝ Choose the type of logs to transmit?

This guide will use the s option.

This will find, compress, and prepare the current app.log from the dag-l0 profile that holds the log files for the current Tessellation process running on your node.

Other Options

To keep this guide as simple as possible, we will use only one example.

Keep in mind that other options may present different menu selections. Choose the one that best matches your scenario and use your best judgment for each option.

S) Current Log (singular)
C) Current Logs (all)
B) Backup Logs
D) Specific Date
R) Specific Date Range
A) Archived Logs
X) Exit

KEY PRESS an option

Allow nodectl to gather the logs, compress them, and present you with an upload option for the tarball that was created.

Current logs process started ..................
Transferring required files ................... complete

Generating the tarball file my take up to 1 minute per Gb.
Please exercise patience during this waiting process.

Total size of files to be added to tarball: 5 MB
Generating gzip tarball ....................... complete
New tarball size: 321K

โ—ฝ Upload the logs

We will choose y to have the file uploaded to a temporary file sharing service (expiry time limited).

upload? [n]: y

If you would like to skip the upload, or the file share service is unavailable; you change choose the default n option and refer to the Using Prepare File Download option.

โ—ฝ Supply Administrators, Devloper, System Engineer

You can now supply the URL to the entiy that is requesting the file.

Depending on the size of the tarball, this may take some time to upload
please be patient...

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 321k 100 265 100 321k 256 311k 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 312k

log tarball transferred to developers
Please provide the following link to the developers for download and analysis.
Log tarball created and also located: /var/tessellation/uploads/
file: xx-xx-xx-xx_xxxx-xx-xx-xx:xx:xxZ_logs.tar.gz

You can also utilize the prepare_file_download command to setup this file
for download to your local system.
Command: sudo nodectl prepare_file_download help

Using Prepare File Download

This command simplifies access to files owned by the VPS's root user, which may not have the necessary permissions for download by the non-root node administration account.

  • Refer here for command options.

โ—ฝ Locate log files

We will need to know the exact directory location and name of log file.

If you are an advanced Node Administrator using a custom location to hold your log files (such as a network attached device), please make sure the location of the file is properly connected to your node and accessible.

The default location used by nodectl:


<profile_name> should be your node's profile name associated with the logs being requested

For the purpose of this guide, we will assume:

  • The profile name as dag-l0.
  • The log file requested as app.log.

โ—ฝ Request log file to be prepared

sudo nodectl prepare_file_download --type file /var/tessellation/dag-l0/logs/app.log
The following operation should be considered temporary and has the possibility of causing a minor security risk, on your Node.

This command will create a copy of the requested file /var/tessellation/dag-l0/logs/app.log in the root of a non-root user's home directory, and set the permissions for access via a non-root user until removed.

Once you have completed the backup of your file /var/tessellation/dag-l0/logs/app.log it is recommended that you return to your Node and re-run this command with the --cleanup option, to remove and secure your Node's nodeadmin user from accessing root files.

Preparing [app.log] ........................... complete

Found Files:
- app.log

p12 preparation ............................... complete

โ—ฝ Access File

You can now download your file on your own, using the file transfer application or protocol of your choosing.

You need further assistance to access and retreive the file you can refer to the backup/recovery guides.

โ—ฝ Clean Up

It is highly recommended to cleanup your Node Administrator's root directory to keep disk space optimal and to not have superfluous files located where they should not be located.

To handle this we will append the --cleanup option to the end of our previous command.

sudo nodectl prepare_file_download --type file /var/tessellation/dag-l0/logs/app.log --cleanup

We can choose y.

-------- * CLEAN UP P12 FILES * --------

The following file will be removed!!

Found Files:
- app.log

clean up file? [n]: y
File Removed