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Restart Node after Upgrade Quick Start

This guide is specifically for restarting your node after the Hypergraph or metagraph cluster was restarted.

A restart may happen for several reasons:

  • Upgrade
  • Seed list access update
  • Cluster Error

โ—ฝ Auto Restart Feature [optional]

You may choose to engage the auto_restart feature. This feature will watch your node for you and restart it automatically as necessary.

If you have auto_restart enabled and reached this page, you can skip to here.

โ—ฝ SSH into Your VPS

Review your notes for the connection string.

ssh -i /path/to/ssh/private/key nodeadmin@vps_ip_address

Refer to SSH Explanation, Mac SSH Guide, and Windows SSH Guide for detailed understanding.

โ—ฝ Restart all your profiles

sudo nodectl restart -p all

โ—ฝ Restart Auto Restart feature [optional]

This module should restart itself every 4 hours; however, it is a good habit to restart the module to ensure proper functionality immediately.

sudo nodectl auto_restart restart


โ—ฝ Confirm Status

sudo nodectl status

If all profiles are in Ready state, your restart is complete.