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IntegrationNet Quick Start

This guide is specifically for setting up your IntegrationNet Node for the first time, and is opinionated with sensible defaults.

This guide will use the Windows command prompt or Macintosh terminal.

â—½ Suggestions

This is a quick start guide, as much detail as possible is excluded.

Expand for suggestions? â–¼

â—½ Prerequisite

Choose and provision your VPS.

Refer to the VPS Build Quick Start guide.

â—½ Command Prompt or Terminal

Refer to the Prepare to Create Key Pair section that shows how to open either a Windows Command Prompt or Macintosh Terminal window.

â—½ SSH into Your VPS

AWS users will replace root with ubuntu.

ssh -i /path/to/ssh/private/key root@vps_ip_address

Refer to SSH Explanation, Mac SSH Guide, and Windows SSH Guide for detailed understanding.

â—½ Update OS

sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade

During this process, if you are presented with a purple box requesting interactive questions we answered, you should accept the default options chosen for you by using the tab key to get the the ok or confirm option and then press the enter key to accept.

â—½ Reboot

sudo reboot now
  • You will lose access to the VPS.
  • Allow between 30 seconds to 1 minute for your new VPS to reboot.
  • SSH into your VPS again using the default user set by your VPS provider (e.g., root or ubuntu).

â—½ Install nodectl

Node Control Utility Program v2.15.1

sudo wget -N -P /usr/local/bin -O /usr/local/bin/nodectl; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nodectl; sudo nodectl -v

â—½ Start Tessellation Installation

sudo nodectl install --quick-install

â—½ Select Cluster to Configure/Join

  • Choose 2 (integrationnet [HyperGraph])

â—½ Decline P12 Migration Request

  • We will choose n to decline the migration.

â—½ Strong Password/Passphrase

nodectl requires that the following rules be met:

  • Must NOT have any spaces
  • Must NOT have a section sign §
  • Must NOT have a dollar sign $

  • Must have at least 10 characters
  • Must have at least 1 uppercase letter
  • Must have at least 1 lowercase letter
  • Must have at least 1 number
  • Must have at least 1 special character
Password Entry

You will not see the password output or the * character while entering your password. This is a Linux level security feature.

â—½ Node Administration Account Password

Input and confirm the nodeadmin's new strong password that will be used to administer your Node.

â—½ P12 Keystore Passphrase

Input and confirm a strong passphrase that will be used to unlock your Node's ability to access the network and to administer your Node's wallet.

â—½ Wait for Installation to Complete

No action required, you can wait for the installation to complete.

At the end of the installation, you will receive instructions. We will address these instructions in the following steps, so there is no need to take any action at this time. Simply wait for the installation to complete and the instructions to appear.

🚑  Leave this screen up and remote terminal window open!

Please follow the instructions below, as indicated

1) Submit your NodeID to Constellation Discord Admins.
2) Update your Lattice account to provide:
  - DAG wallet to prove collateralize requirements
  - intergrationnet nodeid.
3) Stay logged in to this VPS terminal session. 4) Open new terminal. 5) Confrim ability to log in as: nodeadmin 6) Log out of this original terminal session.
7) Wait for next cluster restart.
8) Confirm your node's status:
  - sudo nodectl check_seedlist -p dag-l0
  - sudo nodectl restart -p all

â—½ Test Access

  1. Leave your root or ubuntu user connected to your Node's terminal.
  2. Open a new local terminal and attempt a second SSH remote connection to your Node using your nodeadmin user and the p12 passphrase as created in the SSH into Your VPS.

After confirming you have access via nodeadmin you can move to the next step.

â—½ Submit your Node Details

  1. Connect to the Constellation Network Official Discord Support Server.
  2. Reach out to an Administrator.
  3. Supply and request to have your nodeid appended to the IntegrationNet Hypergraph access seed list.

You will see your Node ID, displayed on the instructional screen at the end of the installation.

Example 128 length hexadecimal number.

â—½ Back Up Your Node P12

Refer to these guides

â—½ Update your Nodes

Ensure that you have recorded all the passphrase(s) and other pertinent information via your notes, to a secured air gapped location.

You may reference our Node Operator Notes for an idea on what to record.

â—½ Close Terminals

After completing the access test successfully, you can close out all terminal sessions, leaving only your nodeadmin connected terminal session open.


Your Node will no longer be accessible via the root or default ubuntu account you originally setup your Node to access.

â—½ Setup Reward Distribution

You will need to access your Lattice account and supply Constellation Network's Lattice Team with:

  • Your IntegrationNet Node ID.
  • The real Wallet that will be used for $DAG reward distribution.
  • A Wallet (this can be the same wallet) that has 250,000 $DAG tokens, to satisfying your collateral requirements.

The IntegrationNet cluster is a TestNet and therefore the $DAG tokens used on this cluster hold no real world value. They are test tokens.

The reward distribution for this network is distributed daily to a wallet address identified by the validator Node Operator through their Lattice account.

â—½ Congratulations

Your Node installation is complete.

â—½ Next Steps


You will need to wait for your node's nodeid, that was submitted here, to be added the seed list (access/authorization list) before you can join the cluster.

Follow the first time Connection quick start guide to bring your node on the network.