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Migrate from v1 to v2


nodectl is a utility program for building, upgrading and managing Constellation Network Validator Nodes.

Over the course of the original creation of nodectl it has undergone two major version upgrades.

  • version 0 to version 1
  • version 1 to version 2

The purpose of this documentation is to teach a Node Operator running version 1 of nodectl, how to upgrade to version 2 of nodectl, via a step-by-step tutorial.

A migration module has been added to nodectl to facilitate this effort.

Migrate v1 to v2

Upgrade Path

The very first thing we need to consider is that we are on the correct version of nodectl that supports upgrading to v2.

Lets check our current version level of nodectl.

sudo nodectl version
nodeadmin@Constellation-Node:~# sudo nodectl version
VERSION          MAJOR          MINOR           PATCH
v1.12.0          1              12              0

If we are not on version 1.12.0 of nodectl ...

If you are NOT on v1.12.0...

Please make sure to follow the upgrade path documentation, to avoid unexpected errors.

Download v2 binary

Now that we have confirmed that we are on v1.12.0 of nodectl, we use the upgrade_nodectl command to initiate the download of the nodectl binary from the GitHub repository to our Node.

sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl

When we issue this command on v1.12.0 you should get a warning that a new version is detected, and a recommendation to issue the upgrade_nodectl command

We can ignore because it is the same command we already issued.

We will be informed of the availability of v2.7.1 (as of the time of this tutorial writing). We can say y to continue.

mainnet@Constellation-Node:~# sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl
A new version of nodectl was detected: 2.7.1
Issue: `sudo nodectl upgrade_nodectl` to upgrade.
WARNING: This will upgrade mainnet
version: 2.7.1
Are you sure you want to continue? [n] y

The nodectl upgrade will begin

Upgrading nodectl version from v1.12.0 to v2.7.1
Detected architecture: x86_64
WARNING: nodectl will exit to upgrade
Please be patient and allow the upgrade to complete before continuing work...

nodectl will exit and fire up a temporary bash script


Do not issue any commands, just allow the next process to begin...

When requested we can hit the enter key to complete the nodectl upgrade.

COMPLETED! nodectl upgraded to 2.7.1

VERSION          MAJOR          MINOR           PATCH
v2.7.1           2              7               1

press enter to continue...


Upgrade VPS backend with nodectl

We now have the v2.7.1 binary of nodectl downloaded and confirmed to be installed on our VPS/Node.

The next step will be to run the sudo nodectl upgrade command, to complete the:

  1. migration from v1 to v2
  2. upgrade the backend as necessary
sudo nodectl upgrade
root@Constellation-Node:~# sudo nodectl upgrade

Migration confirmation

The screen will clear and nodectl will review the current Node, identify that it is running v1 and begin by asking us to confirm that we want to migrate.

It is necessary for us to MIGRATE our Node from version 1 to version 2, as there are significant changes that need to be handled.

Most significantly:

  • Migration and deprecation of the cn-node bash script file that used to run some of our Node operations for us.
  • Addition of the cn-config.yaml file.
  • Removal of old directory structures.
  • Addition of new services.

We do want to migrate so we will say y here.

= VERSION 2.0 =
= Configuration Migration =
Code Name: Princess Warrior

During program initialization, a configuration file was found missing on this server/Node.

nodectl found an existing file cn-node file on your existing server/Node. nodectl can backup this file and attempt to migrate to the new required format.

Attempt cn-node file migration? [y]: y

Passphrase Removal

A new feature of nodectl is the ability to hide the passphrase in the configuration. Hiding your passphrase will add a little more security to keeping the hot wallet on your Node more protected.


This feature was added per request from the community; however, because the hot wallet is on your Node, this only adds a small layer of obscurity to attempting to retrieve your passphrase if the Node is compromised.

This will disable your ability to use the auto restart feature including the auto_upgrade feature.

Side Note

Make sure to follow the recommended security lock down measures during the build of your underlining VPS (container or bare metal), as an alternative to hiding your passphrase here.

We will say y here (but you can also say n).

nodectl v2 allows removal of the passphrase from your configuration. It is up to the Node Operator administering this Node to decide on the best course of action.

PROS: - One less location with an exposed clear-text passphrase.
- Adds small layer of security to force a possible attacker to work harder to gain access to the Node's wallet.

CONS: - Your passphrase will be requested whenever required by nodectl.
- In the event your Node is compromised, your passphrase will still be exposed because any nefarious actor able to penetrate your system authentication practices will know how to expose any passphrases in use by the processes running on the VPS/Node.

Recommended: Keep passphrases

Keep passphrase visible in configuration? [y]: y

Global passphrase statement

In version 1 of nodectl we only had the ability to use a single p12 file that contained our Node's wallet, which was also used to authenticate against the network cluster.

In version 2 we now introduce the ability to use multiple p12 private key files; therefore, allowing us to use different wallets for each metagraph and/or for joining the Hypergraph.

Version 2 introduces profiles which allow us to dynamically configure our Node to join as many Hypergraphs and metagraphs as necessary.

We also introduce the Global p12 section. If you do not specifically identify a p12 file for a profile, it will default to the Global p12 configuration.

During the migration from v1 to v2, we will setup dag-l0 as our Hypergraph profile, and dag-l1 as our metagraph profile. Both of these profiles will be setup to use Global p12 configuration.

The statement below explains the concept of p12 differentiation and the global section.

We can confirm we read the statement with a y.

= VERSION 2.0 =
= Configuration Migration =
Code Name: Princess Warrior

nodectl v2 introduces the ability to use different Node wallets (p12 private keys) per profile (layer0 and/or layer1 metagraphs).

A new concept for nodectl v2 includes a GLOBAL section within the configuration that can be used to assign a single p12 to all or some of the profiles, on your Node.

The p12 content details from the Node's global p12 cn-node file including credentials will be added to the global p12 section of the new configuration file.

You can setup the global p12 wallet configuration to handle all or only selected profiles of your choosing.

I have read the information above: [y]: y

Confirm user profile

Confirm our user profile, in this case we found and know to be correct nodeadmin.

We can say y.

Ingesting [cn-node] file....................... running

nodectl found [ nodeadmin ] as your Node's admin user. Is this correct? [y]: y

Confirm p12 file

Confirm that our p12 file name is correct. In this example we show that we have a p12 file called my-node.p12. This may not match your p12 file name. As long as you find the correct file name, you can continue.

We can say y here.

nodectl found [ my-node.p12 ] as your Node's p12 filename.
Is this correct? [y]: y

Build new cn-config.yaml

What is the cn-node file?

The cn-node file is a bash script that was used in v1.x.x of nodectl to supply the necessary environment variables to Tessellation to properly operate on the Constellation Network Global Layer0 and Layer1 networks (Hypergraph and metagraph).

New to v2 we deprecate the cn-node bash script file and replace it with a configurable yaml file.

This allows us to configure our Hypergraphs and metagraphs to our needs.

nodectl will ingest the cn-node script and back it up.

Ingesting [cn-node] file....................... complete
Backing up cn-node file ....................... complete

nodectl will warn us that our backed up cn-node will still contain the passphrase for our p12 private key file; and therefore, our Node's wallet access.

Once we have confirmed that we properly upgraded (at the end of this process), it may be a good idea to remove this backup file.


During the upgrade process (as part of this upgrade and after this migration portion) you will be requested to clear your backup folder.

This is another new feature of nodectl.

Please be aware that if you choose to do so, you will remove the cn-node backup file

If you have not confirmed that you are fully up and running (which is mostly the case), you should say n when requested to clean the backups directory.

We will see our backup cn-node file name (dated).

We will see our backup cn-node file location.


CAUTION After the migration is complete, the upgrader will continue and will prompt you to remove the contents of the backup directory where the cn-node has been backed up within. If you choose to empty the contents of this directory, you will remove the backup cn-node file.

backup filename: cn-node.2023-07-11-20:32:46Zbackup
backup location: /var/tessellation/backups/

The new cn-config.yaml file will be created using the details of the cn-node and we will be asked if we want to review the contents of the file.

You can choose y or n here depending. We recommend that you review the configuration file, just to see what it entails; however, those that are not as technical or not interested, you do not need to review the file.

Creating configuration file ................... complete
Ready to continue with upgrade

Would you like to review your new configuration? [n]: y

Review configuration yaml

If you answered y to the question above: You will be offered a paginated view of the configuration file.

Please see the view config command from the command reference guide for a detailed explanation of this output.

Configuration Verification

nodectl will now flash up some messages showing you that it is setting up some configuration parameters for us. We can allow nodectl to complete the self updates on its own.

This will include replacing default elements of the configuration with your Node's specific details; as well as, confirm the validity of the configuration file.

Replacing configuration self items: link host ip
Replacing configuration self items: link host public key


Now that our migration is complete, in the background we should have nodectl's new configuration yaml in place and validated.

The next step is to upgrade our Node to complete all the backend required details.

Code Name: Princess Warrior

Are you sure you want to continue this upgrade? [n]:

When we are ready, we can issue a y here... and the upgrade will begin.

At this point in the migration from v1 to v2, we are done and can now access the upgrade nodectl document to follow along with the process step-by-step.

Important Reminder

During the upgrade process (mentioned above), please remember to say n when requested to delete your backups. This will allow you to save your backup cn-node file. Saving this file will ensure that you can revert to version 1 if (in the unlikely event) you need to.

During the next upgrade, you can choose y when requested to remove your backups, to remove the cn-node file permanently.


Once your Node is online and working as desired, you can manually remove this file.