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Security groups

Security groups act as virtual firewalls that control inbound and outbound traffic to your instances. Our 3 nodes will need to open up connection ports for SSH access, and for each of the 4 network layers to communicate over.

Create a Security Group

First, navigate to the Security Groups section in the Amazon EC2 console.

Menu ec2

Click on Create Security Group

Create a new security group and provide a name, for example MetagraphSecurityGroup.

Add Inbound Rules

Inbound rules define which ports accept inbound connections on your node. We will need to open up ports for SSH access and for each of the metagraph layers.

Click Add Rule under the Inbound Rules section and add the following rules:

TypeProtocolPort RangeSourcePurpose
SSHTCP220.0.0.0/0SSH access
Custom TCPTCP9000-90020.0.0.0/0gL0 layer
Custom TCPTCP9100-91020.0.0.0/0mL0 layer
Custom TCPTCP9200-92020.0.0.0/0cL1 layer
Custom TCPTCP9300-93020.0.0.0/0dL1 layer