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Start Currency L1 Instances

In this section, we will start each of our currency L1 instances and join them to the metagraph L0 network.

Setup Currency L1

SSH into one of your EC2 instances and move to the currency-l1 directory.

ssh -i "MyKeypair.pem" ubuntu@your_instance_ip"
cd code/currency-l1

Set environment variables

Export the following environment variables, changing the values to use your p12 file's real name, alias, and password.

export CL_KEYSTORE=":p12_file_used_on_seedlist_1.p12"
export CL_KEYALIAS=":p12_file_used_on_seedlist_1"
export CL_PASSWORD=":file_password_1"

Also export the following environment variables, filling in the following:

  • CL_GLOBAL_L0_PEER_ID: The public ID of your Global L0 node which can be obtained from the /node/info endpoint of your Global L0 instance (http://your_node_id:9000/node/info).
  • CL_L0_PEER_ID: The public ID of the metagraph l0 node which is the same as CL_GLOBAL_L0_PEER_ID above if you're using the same p12 files for all layers.
  • CL_GLOBAL_L0_PEER_HTTP_HOST: The public IP of this node (points to global-l0 layer).
  • CL_L0_PEER_HTTP_HOST: The public IP of this node (points to metagraph-l0 layer).
  • CL_L0_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: The metagraph ID in your address.genesis file.
export CL_P2P_HTTP_PORT=9201
export CL_CLI_HTTP_PORT=9202
export CL_GLOBAL_L0_PEER_HTTP_HOST=:ip_from_metagraph_l0_node_1_global_l0
export CL_GLOBAL_L0_PEER_ID=:id_from_metagraph_l0_node_1_global_l0
export CL_L0_PEER_HTTP_HOST=:ip_from_metagraph_l0_node_1_metagraph_l0
export CL_L0_PEER_HTTP_PORT=9100
export CL_L0_PEER_ID=:id_from_metagraph_l0_node_1_metagraph_l0
export CL_APP_ENV=integrationnet

Start your currency L1 node (initial)


Run this command only on the first of your instances. When you repeat these steps for the 2nd and 3rd instance, use the run-validator joining process below instead.

Run the following command, filling in the public ip address of your instance.

nohup java -jar currency-l1.jar run-initial-validator --ip :instance_ip > metagprah-l1-logs.log 2>&1 &

Check if your Currency L1 successfully started: http://:your_ip:9200/cluster/info

Start your currency L1 node (validator)

The 2nd and 3rd nodes should be started in validator mode and joined to the first node that was run in initial-validator mode. All other steps are the same.

nohup java -jar currency-l1.jar run-validator --ip :ip > currency-l1-logs.log 2>&1 &

Run the following command to join, filling in the id and ip of your first currency L1 node.

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9202/cluster/join -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "id":":id_from_currency_l1_1", "ip": ":ip_from_currency_l1", "p2pPort": 9201 }'

You can check if the nodes successfully started using the /cluster/info endpoint for your metagraph L0. You should see nodes appear in the list if all started properly. http://:your_ip:9200/cluster/info


Repeat the above steps for each of your 3 currency L1 nodes before moving on to start your data L1 layer. Note that the startup commands differ between the three nodes. The first node should be started in initial-validator mode. The second and third nodes should be started in validator mode and joined to the first node.