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Generating base instance

In this section, we will create a single EC2 instance that we will use as a template for the other two EC2 instances. This allows us to perform these tasks once and then have the output replicated to all the instances.

Create a Base Instance

Navigate to the Instances section on the Amazon EC2 console.

base instance 01

Click on Launch Instances.

Assign a name to your instance. For this guide, we will call it Metagraph base image.

Choose an AMI

In the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) section, select Ubuntu and then Ubuntu server 20.04. You should keep 64-bit (x86). base instance 02

For the instance type, choose a model with 4 vCPUs and 16 GiB memory. In this case, we'll use the t2.xlarge instance type.

Select a Key Pair

In the Configure Instance Details step, select the key pair you created earlier in the Key pair name field. base instance 04

Select Security Group

In the Network settings section, you select the security group you created earlier. base instance 05

Configure Storage

In the Configure storage section, you specify the amount of storage for the instance. For this tutorial, we'll set it to 160 GiB. base instance 06

Launch Instance

Finally, press Launch instance. Your base instance should now be running.

You can check the status of your instance in the Instances section of the Amazon EC2 console. base instance 07