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Custom Data Validation

In this guide, we will walk through the Data API and a simple example implementation of an IoT use case. Complete code for this guide can be found in the metagraph examples repo on Github. See the Data API - Water and Energy Use example.

Want more detail?

Looking for additional detail on the Data API and Data Application development? More information is available in Data API.

Before You Start

In order to get started, install dependencies as described in the Quick Start Guide. You will need at least the global-l0, metagraph-l0, and metagraph-l1-data containers enabled in your euclid.json file for this guide.

Example euclid.json values

  "github_token": "",
"version": "0.9.1",
"tessellation_version": "2.2.0",
"project_name": "custom-project",
"framework": {
"name": "currency",
"modules": [
"version": "v2.2.0",
"ref_type": "tag"
"layers": [

Installing Templates with Hydra

To initiate a metagraph using a template, we provide several options in our GitHub repository. Follow these steps to utilize a template:

1.ย  List Available Templates: First, determine th`e templates at your disposal by executing the command below:

./scripts/hydra install-template --list

2.ย  Install a Template: After selecting a template, replace :repo_name with your chosen repository's name to install it. For instance:

./scripts/hydra install-template :repo_name

As a practical example, if you wish to install the water-and-energy-usage template, your command would look like this:

./scripts/hydra install-template water-and-energy-usage

This process will set up a metagraph based on the selected template.

Within your Euclid modules directory (source/project/water-and-energy-usage/modules) you will see three module directories: l0 (metagraph l0), l1 (currency l1), and data_l1 (data l1). Each module has a Main.scala file that defines the application that will run at each corresponding layer.

- source
- project
- water-and-energy-usage
- modules
- l0
- l1
- data_1
- shared_data
- project

Send Data

Edit the send_data_transaction.js script and fill in the globalL0Url, metagraphL1DataUrl, and walletPrivateKey variables. The private key can be generated with the dag4.keystore.generatePrivateKey() method if you don't already have one.

Once the variables are updated, save the file. You can now run node send_data_transaction.js to send data to the /data endpoint.

Check State Updates

Using the custom endpoint created in the data_l1 Main.scala routes method, we can check the metagraph state as updates are sent.

Using your browser, navigate to <your L1 base url>/data-application/addresses to see the complete state including all devices that have sent data. You can also check the state of an individual device using the <your L1 base url>/data-application/addresses/:address endpoint.

You should see a response like this:

"DAG4bQGdnDJ5okVdsdtvJzBwQoPGjLNzN7HC1CBV": {
"energy": {
"usage": 7,
"timestamp": 1689441998946
"water": {
"usage": 7,
"timestamp": 1689441998946

Next Steps

This brief guide demonstrates the ability to update and view on-chain state based on the Currency Framework's Data API. Detailed information about the framework methods used can be found in the example README file and in comments throughout the code. Also see additional break downs of the application lifecycle methods in the Data API section.